I cut out three Halloween costumes without a pattern with Kyra's long distance help.
Grandma and the girls sewed them up, but hey, *I* cut them out!
I made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for children to eat for breakfast.
For All Souls Day, I made Soul Cakes. Well, actually, it wasn't All Souls Day. It was later in the week, but it counts.
I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for a church bake sale and learned how to cream butter and sugar when an electric mixer is not to be had. I think Rebecca was the one handing out pointers this time.
I made Emily Stimpson's polenta one night.
I got very adventurous one night and made paella with Amy's help. This little foray took an absurd amount of time. I think we finally sat down to eat at about 8pm, but everyone loved it and Olivia even requested it for her birthday meal.
We sauteed pumpkin seeds.
And then I roasted pumkins to make puree to freeze for later.
I cleaned out the closet under the stairs, which took an insane amount of time and ended with Dave and the children eating at Wendy's. I ate supper at some point. They brought me a chicken sandwich.
Crazy befores:
The moment it can get better:
The glorious afters:
I sorted through the two year old girl clothes. We could clothe triplets if needs be.
But just one is here:
In a fit of I-don't-know-what, I decided to make turkey stock with the Thanksgiving turkey leftovers at my mother's house. I even left it to bubble overnight. That was stressful. I just knew the house was going to burn down or, worse, the stock would be ruined. But all was well.
And if that wasn't enough, I came home and made ham stock. This only simmered all day because cat. I have heard you are supposed to make some kind of ham and bean soup with this concoction. Someone needs to tell me more about that.
I finally started on a project that has haunted me since before Marian was born: the horrible corner in my room. The spot where the keyboard is buried.
Awful before:
I finally got Olivia's Kindergarten folder finished. Yes, she is in second grade now.
Here is the after for now. I still have more work to do, but Christmas was coming which pulled me out of this project and I haven't gotten back to it yet. That table actually belongs in the living room, but it had to be moved to make room for the tree.
I made homemade turkey noodle soup from my stock and chopped turkey.
Did you know that the leftovers from homemade soup congeals into not-soup? I certainly did not. So I made a casserole thing with the soup leftovers. What do you do with soup that turns into not-soup?
As Christmas neared, I decided to try my hand at fruitcake. It was a three day process, mostly because I couldn't do it all at once, but I think it turned out okay.
Fruit and liquor. A lot of liquor.
And the finished product:
Tasty. I don't think I've had fruitcake before.
It finally got cold and I made chili. Hurrah.
So there it is. All The Things I've been doing. With my ever-present helper.
If you add a little water and stir your not-soup over medium heat, it should turn back into soup.
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