Spring Break is where dreams go to die in the light of cold, hard reality.
I decided this past week we would take Spring Break, even though the floor crisis ate the time I set aside for taking a school break. If Grace kept up a little bit with her math, no great harm would come from taking some time off.
What I intended to do over Spring Break:
Catch up on laundry
Write a blog post about the homeschooling conference I attended last weekend
Review the schoolwork completed in my absence
Clean out Sam and Marian's drawers and leave appropriate seasonal clothing
Give a couple of math lessons
Take Grace to band
Go to weekly tutorial
Go grocery shopping
Write the next post in my compelling kitchen floor series
Reorganize the pantry after the floor debacle
Pick up the downstairs
Take Ella to her doctor's appt
Clean out the fridge
Clean out and inventory the freezers
Pay the bills
Start the taxes
I realize some of this was pie in the sky, but you have to have a list, right?
What I actually did:
Review previous schoolwork
Go over math
More laundry
Go over math
Take Grace to band
Wash the dishes once! (Hey, I didn't plan on this!)
Go over math
Go to weekly tutorial
Laundry again
Go grocery shopping
Go over math
Spend half a day on the phone arranging Grace's surprise math practice test
More laundry
Math here too
Spend half a day at the middle school while Grace took her surprise math practice test
Take Ella to her doctor's appt
I am supposed to be paying bills at the moment. I guess I'll get to it.
1 comment:
I'd planned this and that, but on short notice Darwin had to travel for business Sunday night-Thursday night, so what really ended up going on was that we went down to Cincinnati for two days to visit my sister, and then on Friday Darwin stayed home and we did Nothing all day, and it was glorious.
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